Ground collisions
By Cybele Gallo
1. What can cause collisions on the ground?
2. What are the procedures to prevent them?
You will read an article about a recent incident at JFK airport. Take a look at the picture below.
By Cybele Gallo
1. What can cause collisions on the ground?
2. What are the procedures to prevent them?
You will read an article about a recent incident at JFK airport. Take a look at the picture below.

First, describe it. Then, tell me what do you think might have happened there.
Describing Pictures
This picture shows....
This is a picture of....
We've got a picture here of....
Talking about possibilities
It could be……..
It might have happened ……
3. Read the article
A 380 Hits RJ At JFK
By Glenn Pew, Contributing Editor, Video Editor
All the usual agencies are now fully engaged in the investigation of the wing-tip-to-tail collision of an Air France A380 and a Comair CRJ 700 at Kennedy Airport in New York Monday evening. The likely focus of the investigation will be the position of the RJ and who decided it should be there. Judging by the departing A380's brisk pace down the taxiway, the crew evidently didn't anticipate any interference on the way to the runway. The Comair flight had just arrived from Boston and was stationary. What happened next is one of the reasons passengers are supposed to keep their seatbelts on until the ground crew person crosses his or her arms.
The A380 looked to be traveling at least 20 mph when the left wing tip hit the tail of the RJ. The impact spun the smaller jet nearly 90 degrees and rocked the plane from side to side. No major injuries were reported due to the collision. Photos show a torn up wing tip on the A380 but the RJ is likely in for a thorough inspection.
3. Read the article
A 380 Hits RJ At JFK
By Glenn Pew, Contributing Editor, Video Editor
All the usual agencies are now fully engaged in the investigation of the wing-tip-to-tail collision of an Air France A380 and a Comair CRJ 700 at Kennedy Airport in New York Monday evening. The likely focus of the investigation will be the position of the RJ and who decided it should be there. Judging by the departing A380's brisk pace down the taxiway, the crew evidently didn't anticipate any interference on the way to the runway. The Comair flight had just arrived from Boston and was stationary. What happened next is one of the reasons passengers are supposed to keep their seatbelts on until the ground crew person crosses his or her arms.
The A380 looked to be traveling at least 20 mph when the left wing tip hit the tail of the RJ. The impact spun the smaller jet nearly 90 degrees and rocked the plane from side to side. No major injuries were reported due to the collision. Photos show a torn up wing tip on the A380 but the RJ is likely in for a thorough inspection.
4. Based on the article you have just read, answer these questions :
a. What will the investigators probably be interested in finding out?
b. What makes the investigators believe that the A 380 could not imagine there could be another plane on the way?
c. What is the advice given to passengers in the text and why?
a. Rapid ____________________
b. Not moving ________________
c. Rotated ___________________
d. Approximately ______________
e. Pulled apart to pieces _________
f. Probable, probably ___________
Check your answers :
a.brisk/b.stationary/c.spun (simple past of spin)/d.nearly/e.torn up (past participle of tear up)/ f.likely
Take a look at the sentence below:
“…passengers are supposed to keep their seatbelts on until the plane has stopped completely”
The highlighted words can be replaced by :
( ) must
( ) need to
( ) can
( ) should
Check your answer:
To be supposed to + Infinitive = should
Supposed to in this sense means that something should be done because it is the law, the rule or the custom.
Write down 03 things pilots should do to maneuver the aircraft safely on the ground. Use “… supposed to “.
Pronunciation Tip
Pilot Comair: Comair 553 (inaudible)just hit us at (runway) Mike
ATC: Attention all ___________________ _______________ respond call 32 taxiway alpha and mike
Pilot: (inaudible) all emergency trucks on Mike _____________________________ by an Air France
ATC: And who is that?
Pilot: Comair 553
ATC: Again all emergency equipment call 33taxiway Mike and Aplha
ATC: Super a 380 I understand he believes he _________________________ and I understand they ____________________________ the regional jet.
ATC: Air France 7 super the emergency equipment requests that you _____________________________________
Air France : all the engines confirm
ATC: Confirm. They want you to shut the engines.
Air France : ok