quinta-feira, 13 de maio de 2010
quarta-feira, 5 de maio de 2010
Organizing your speech to report situations
Cybele Gallo
Source : AvWEB (http://www.avweb.com/ ) – Checklists and Flow
Have you ever heard about "cockpit flow " ?
“A flow is a structured habit pattern that reflects a printed check list. In other words, it is a memorization aid , and can be used for normal, abnormal and emergency procedures.”
“In the figure below you will see a translation of the flow concept into a single-pilot Beech Baron for the task of engine fire.”
Can you match the numbers in the figure with the sentences ?
____ Ignition and alternator switches (failed engine): OFF
____ Fuel selector (failed engine): OFF
____ Mixture control (failed engine): IDLE CUTOFF
____ Propeller (failed engine): FEATHER
____ Auxiliary fuel pump (failed engine): OFF
Now, check the correct sequence :
1.Fuel selector (failed engine): OFF
2.Mixture control (failed engine): IDLE CUTOFF
3.Propeller (failed engine): FEATHER
4.Auxiliary fuel pump (failed engine): OFF
5.Ignition and alternator switches (failed engine): OFF
This technique can help you to memorize things that can not be forgotten or missed, and to develop a discipline to perform other manouvers and tasks that are required in your profession. Why don’t you try to use flow references to better organize your ideas before reporting the situations you will listen to during your test?
Let’s give it a try.
This is a suggestion on how to organize your speech.
1.The context (During a flight from… to … / At the airport/ Flying over the ocean )
2.The main problem (The pilot had a problem with/ A passenger suffered a heart attack/ ATC informed)
3.Any subsequent problem (The engine failed/ The plane depressurized/ The alarm went off )
4.The action/decision/solution (The pilot diverted/ The ATC vectored the pilot to)
5.The outcome ( The pilot landed safely/ the plane skidded off the runway/ The passengers were evacuated)
Now, try to identify in the text below the flow elements numbered above:
The crew of an Avianca Fokker 100, registration HK-4488 performing flight AV-181 from Bogota to Ecuador with 91 passengers and 5 crew, reported landing gear trouble shortly after takeoff from Bogota and entered a holding to trouble shoot the problem. The airplane subsequently returned to Bogota for a safe landing on runway 13R about one hour after departure. 5 passengers needed medical attention due to anxiety attacks.
Check :
Context : During a flight from Bogota to Ecuador, with 91 passengers on board
Problem : The pilot reported landing gear problems shortly after take off
Subsequent problem : No subsequent problem
Action /decision :The pilot entered a holding to check . Then he decided to return to Bogota.
Outcome : He landed and 05 passengers needed medical assistance.
Now, try to the same with the text below:
An Air Canada Jazz de Havilland Dash 8-300, registration C-GTAT performing flight QK-8206 from Prince George ,BC to Vancouver, BC (Canada) with 51 people on board, was climbing through FL180 out of Prince George, when the crew reported smoke on board and decided to return to Prince George. The airplane landed safely 14 minutes later.The Canadian TSB reported that the number 1 cabin pack temperature began to rise steadily as the airplane climbed out of Prince George, then the flight attendant advised there was smoke in the cabin. The crew declared emergency and returned to Prince George. During the descent the smoke cleared. The airplane landed without further incident .
Let’s check
Context : Air Canadá was flying from Prince George to Vancouver with 51 people on board.
Problem: While the plane was climbing ,the number 1 cabin pack temperature began to rise
Subsequent problem : There was smoke in the cabin.
Action/decision :Flights attendants advised the pilots that there was smoke on board. The pilots declared an emergency and decided to return to the airport.
Outcome :The smoke cleared during the descent and the plane landed safely.
sábado, 1 de maio de 2010
The most common mistake related to adjectives x adverbs pilots make during classes is the one with the words : safe /safety/safely/ safer
Safe is an adjective and it modifies a noun : The Airbus 320 is a safe airplane.
Safer is the comparative of superiority: Airplane x is safer than airplane y.
Safety is the noun : For your safety remain seated with your seatbelts fastened.
Safety : personal freedom for physical harm·
Security : prevention of loss or damage They have installed a new security system in the building.
Safely is the adverb. Adverbs answer to the question “How”? : The pilot landed safely.
Practice : Adverbs of Manner
We can form this type of adverb by adding LY to an adjective.
I asked the controller to speak slowly.
The pilot checked the system carefully before calling the mechanics.
Despite the rain, they landed safely.
·The adjective GOOD doesn’t follow the rule.
He is good at computers. He speaks English well.
·Some adverbs and adjectives are the same, such as : fast, hard, late, high, low, right, wrong.
He speaks English fast.
This plane flies high.
The alarm sounded low.
He worked hard to have that problem sorted out.
· Some adjectives finish in LY, but they are not adverbs:
In a lively, friendly, silly way, manner.
·We use adjectives to describe nouns ; we use adverbs to say how things happen.
This bus is slow. This bus goes slowly.
1. Write the adverb forms of these adjectives
a.sligh …………………..
b.hard ………………....
d.slow ……………….....
f.quiet ……………….....
g. safe…………………...
h.continuous …………
i.careful ………………..
j..quick ………………...
2. Underline the correct form :
a.This all happened very quick/ quickly, but there were several factors that could have changed what happened.
b.It is clear that the weather was changing rapidly/rapid during the time of our approach to landing.
c.The worst indication was wide/widely scattered light rain north of ZZZ VOR.'
d.I was then able to success/ successfully utilize the autopilot to fly a basic heading and hold an altitude.
e.The decision of ATC to immediate/immediately intervene and render me assistance was paramount to the successful /successfully outcome of this event.
f.The plane was shaking violently/violent with all the ice on the props. I had had the ice systems on maximum the entire flight.
g.The 4 of us worked efficient/ efficiently and cohesive/cohesively to execute a safe return to the gate.
h.A B747-400 slid and yawed uncontrollable/ uncontrollably about 120 degrees with the brakesapplied as it turned toward its gate on a taxiway in freezing rain.
i.I immediately pulled the mixture to idle cutoffand the airplane came to a stop on a heading of about 220 degrees.
3.Use the prompts to write sentences:
a.captain levers of to the immediately thrust pushed up the aircraft control regain.……………………………………………………………………………………………………
b. the climb behave the roll initial and airplane normally on take off
c. nose up the up aggressively to pitched aircraft 10-12 degrees.
d. incessantly the ringing cabin was phone.
e. bounce hard the left firm and aircraft rolled with touchdown
b. the climb behave the roll initial and airplane normally on take off
c. nose up the up aggressively to pitched aircraft 10-12 degrees.
d. incessantly the ringing cabin was phone.
e. bounce hard the left firm and aircraft rolled with touchdown
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